Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Good Read

Just a short one today...

Not that I think for one moment that more people visit my blog than the site I am about to recommend, but every little bit helps, right?

If you are a gamer, you really ought to read this. It's very entertaining and full of gamer (aka low-grade...I mean, come on!) wisdom.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


You know, if you type "capital fellows society" into Google, this blog is the 5th ranked result. Although, I'm not sure why anyone would type that particular phrase into Google, I still think it's neat.

I feel compelled to offer visitors something more useful than what I currently do. To that end, here is an easy pork chop recipe that is delish!

  • Pork chops (this recipe works best when the pork is bone-in)

  • Ketchup

  • Brown Sugar

  • Water
  • Franks Red Hot sauce

  • Chili powder

  • Salt and pepper

Method: Brown the pork chops in a frying pan. This is where I add the chili powder and S&P. In a separate bowl, combine 1 cup ketchup, 1 cup water, and 1/2 cup brown sugar (how come it tastes so good?). When pork chops are browned, pour mixture over them and cover. Reduce heat to low and simmer until tender. This can be a long time or a little time...it's really flexible. Usually, you should allow about 45 minutes though.

Optional: Remove the chops from the frying pan and cook them in the oven with the sauce. Cook at about 300F. Also, this works great in a slow cooker. Actually, the slow cooker is probably the best. And the excess sauce is great over rice, potatoes, or mashed cauliflower.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Growing Chorus

Well, why not? I am going to add my name to the vast and growing list of people whose favourite show is HBO's Entourage. It's become a can't miss show for me and, thanks to Rogers On Demand, I never have to miss it. Huzzah for Rogers! (Now there's something you don't hear very often.)

I think my favorite is Johnny Drama...or maybe it's Ari. Aw, heck, they're all great! You must check it out.

Holding Back the Year

Do you ever Google yourself? I do it every now and then. Just enough so I need glasses, but not enough to make me go blind, of course.

I Googled myself today and was pleasantly surprised. The first few times I Googled Darren Priest (yeah, Skip is just my nom de déranger le merde), I came up with a an unfortunate number of Darren Priest hits. None of them were me, but some of them might have people I knew in college thinking it was me. And it was kind of embarrassing. I would never describe myself as a "dumb linguistic virtuoso." I am just a cunning linguist.

Anyways, Google evolves. And now on the first page you can see this article.

Ah, it brings back fond memories to a whopping year and a half ago. Simpler times. It's remarkable how much things have changed since that article was written. But as they say, "Plus la change, plus le mêmes choses."

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Achieve a Lasting Election

So the word on the street is New Brunwick is about to be thrust into a provincial election. (For those who may have stumbled upon this blog and have no idea where the province of New Brunwick is, move along...you really won't care if I tell you.)

Anyways, I am so ready for this election. The reason I am is that I hate minority governments. Over the past few months, the NB parliament has descended into a mess of backbiting, sophomoric comments, backroom dealings and floor crossing. The only cure for this, in my opinion, is to blow it up and start fresh. Well, it won't be as fresh a start as Guy Fawkes might have had in mind, but then we needn't go to such extremes.

Let me get straight to the point: some of what's happened in the last few years has been plain ol' boneheaded. But, strictly speaking, while I have some loose Liberal party ties, I am not a blind partisan. So, while there are things I think Lord did wrong, I also think Shawn Graham hasn't exactly shone in the role of Leader of the Opposition. He has often seemed like a needling Ken Linesman who can only make bitter statements in the press scrums rather than a man of vision. It's gut-check time for him because a PC majority in this election will almost certainly mean the end of his party leadership.

On the other hand, Lord for the most part has done very little to ingratiate himself with the voters. His time in the Premier's office has not been a period of growth for the province. And some of his decisions have simply been wrong-headed. Nevertheless, he still has a decent shot.

I promised I would get to the point and now I will. Regardless of which party takes power in September (and please, New Brunswick, make sure they have a solid majority), here are 4 things I would like to see:

1. No more floor crossing. If you find you want to leave your party and join the other side, you sit as an independent and a bi-election must be called within 6 months. See how your riding feels about your decision.

2. Fix senior care. The large seniors homes charge way too much and they are always full. So senior citizens who need nursing care sit in the hospital at a cost of about $800 a day waiting for a bed in a seniors home that will charge the taxpayers about $150-200 a day. Private homes are a viable option if the government would allow seniors to go where they choose. Personally, I would rather be in a smaller home with better care that costs everyone less. Do the smart thing.

3. Fix the school system. Listen to the teachers. The policy wonks do not know what they are doing. End of transmission.

4. Tolls. Embrace the unpopular. We need a toll on our highway. Don't believe me? Look at the shadow tolls. Don't believe them? Produce your own numbers. I say put the toll booth somewhere other than where it was originally (why give those whiners a shot at a job in the booth?) and make a plan to address the concerns of people who have to pass the toll every day to get to work. Here's my plan: prove you absolutely have to pass throught the toll every day to get to work and you get a passcard with about 45 free passes on it every month. Why should some of the poorest people in the country (that's us, NBers) have to pay an extra 5 cents on a litre of gas so everyone else can drive through our province. This was a disaster royale from day one. Address it.

5. Stop wasting time with stupid private member bills like dangerous dogs. Some of the best dogs I know could tear you a new one if they were so inclined, but they don't because they have responsible owners. Pass some dangerous owner legislation. Or better yet, do something useful. I'd hate to have to put down my dog because of some ill-conceived legislation.

That's it for now. See you at the polls.